Schisandra chinensis

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Schisandra chinensis.
The English Name for this herb is Schisandra.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Schisandra chinensis are Kidneys Tonic, Lung Astringent.


The Indications of Schisandra chinensis are Cough, Thirst, Physical Exhaustion, Sore Throat, Stress, Night Sweats, Chemotherapy support, Liver support, Hepatitis support, Insomina.

No Contra Indication information is available for Schisandra chinensis.


No Temperament information is available for Schisandra chinensis.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Schisandra chinensis.

Compound Preparations

No Compound Preparation information is available for Schisandra chinensis.


Fruit1.000g/day - 6.000g/dayThe tincture ,the amount of 2-4 ml thrice a day, can also be used.

Herb's Description

Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra is a woody vine with numerous clusters of tiny, bright red berries. It is found throughout northern and northeast China and the adjacent regions of Russia and Korea. The fully ripe, sun-dried fruit is used medicinally. It has sour, sweet, salty, hot, and bitter tastes. This unusual combination of flavors is reflected in schisandra's Chinese name wu-wei-zi, meaning 'five taste fruit.'

Taste Odor & Occurrence

No information about taste, odor & occurences is available for Schisandra chinensis


No information regarding Schisandra chinensis's substitute is currently available.

Active Constituents

Schisandra chinensis's Active constituents:


No information regarding Schisandra chinensis's antidot is currently available.

Warning & Precautions

Side effects involving schisandra are uncommon but may include abdominal upset, decreased appetite, and skin rash. Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.


Currently no Toxicity information is available for Schisandra chinensis. (work in progress)